
The City Government of Panabo supports the week-long celebration of the 2021 #OpenGovWeek with the theme “Sustaining open and participatory government in the time of the pandemic” from May 17-21, 2021.

The OpenGovWeek (OGW) is an opportunity to come together with government reformers, leaders and thinkers from around the world to share ideas, discuss solutions and commit to new levels of citizen participation in government to respond to and recover from the Covid-19 pandemic. The theme will focus on how we build again governments, institutions Covid-19 pandemic. The theme will focus on how we build again governments, institutions and societies that are transparent, accountable, participatory and inclusive.

To know more about the activities of the OpenGovWeek, you may visit the PH-OGP Website via and Facebook page via

#opengovweekph2021 #opengovph #goodgovph #phogp

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