

PANABO CITY is located along Daang Maharlika (Pan-Philippine Highway) and is situated between two major cities, Davao City and Tagum City

By LAND, you can reach Panabo City from Davao City via Davao-Butuan, Davao-Mati, and Davao-Tagum bus routes. Other public vehicles such jeepneys, vans and metered taxicabs are also available. It is 32 kilometers or approximately 45 minutes away from Davao City ad 28 kilometers or 30 minutes away from Tagum City.

By AIR, The Davao International Airport has numerous local and international airlines flying into Davao. From the airport, you can either take a metered cab, van or jeepney going to Panabo City or via Tagum City or Mati City.

By SEA, Panabo City is accessible through the SASA port of Davao City. From Davao City you can choose among the numerous public vehicles to bring you to Panabo City

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