
A. Qualifications

1. Applicant must turn at least eighteen (18) years old at any time during the reign of Super Sireyna: Queen of Panabo 2020, and no more than twenty-two (22) years on the date of application. ONLY OPEN TO RESIDENTS OF PANABO CITY
2. Gay, Bisexual, Transgender or Trans woman can only participate the competition.
3. Applicant must fill out an application form available at the City Mayor’s Office, 3rd floor, Panabo City.
4. Deadline of Submission of Entries will be on or before February 7, 2020 at 5pm. The first thirteen (13) entries only will be allowed to join the competition. Thus, sending the entry is on first come, first serve basis.
5. The official candidates shall be provided by the organizers with the schedule of activities.
B. Documents to be submitted (Please provide one photocopy each)
1. Proof of Citizenship (birth certificate, Philippine passport if applicable)
2. Proof Residency
a. Any valid government ID, if none- school ID or current company ID;
b. Barangay Certificate;
c. Two (2) photographs- 3R Size, One (1) Close up and one (1) full body shot
Super Sireyna 2020 15,000.00
1st Runner Up 10,000.00
2nd Runner up 7,500.00
Consolation Prize 5,000.00
Major & Minor Awards TBA (if any)

Categorized in #ArawNgPanaboCity2k20 , Featured

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