Ibalita ni City Mayor Jose E.Relampagos ang iyahang mga nabuhat nga mga proyekto, programa, ug kalihokan sa tuig 2020. Ipadayag sab niya ang mga plano niya sulod karong tuiga. Atangi karong Marso 16,2021, 9:00 sa buntag sa City Government of Panabo Facebook Page ug Panabo Satellite Cable Television (PSCTV) Channel…
PUBLICATION OF VACANT POSITIONS IN THE EXECUTIVE OFFICES Deadline: Friday, March 25, 2021, 4:30 PM The City Government of Panabo highly encourages all interested and qualified applicants, including persons with disability (PWD), members of indigenous communities, and those with diverse sexual orientation, gender identity and expression (SOGIE), to apply. Please…
PUBLICATION OF VACANT POSITIONS Deadline: Friday, March 5, 2021, 4:30 PM The City Government of Panabo highly encourages all interested and qualified applicants, including persons with disability (PWD), members of indigenous communities, and those with diverse sexual orientation, gender identity and expression (SOGIE), to apply. Please signify your interest in…
Our official line-up schedule of activities. 20th Araw Ng Panabo digital celebration. NO AUDIENCE ALLOWED. Note : With daily raffle draw for virtual audience. #20tharawngpanabocelebration #turismopanabo #ServicetoPanaboansServicetoGod #RELAMPAGOSCARES ShareTweetShare
ANNOUNCEMENT | In celebration of the Civil Registrar Month with the theme ” Strengthening Digital Information: The Ways to Manage the New Normal” The City Government of Panabo in coordination with the Office of the City Mayor through the office of City Civil Registrar presents: “KASALAN NG LUNGSOD 2021”. Deadline…