
DAVRAA 2019 budget bloats by 1.2 M
Panabo City DAVRAA 2019 delegation is higher by 1.2 M after the City Council, through the recommendation of the Local School Board, approved the proposition to grant Panabo City sports entourage an increase of budgetary allocation to 6.7M from last year’s 5.5M.
Hon. Emmanuel “Mawe” Pamisaran, the Education Committee chair, felt great about the increase since it is his desire for the sports enthusiasts to perform in their field with excellence without financial reservations.
In an interview, Councilor Mawe illuminated that the amount is extracted from the Special Education Fund (SEF) as the LGU’s support the DAVRAA 2019 delegation in Davao City on January 27- February 2, 2019 as well as the conduct of the in-house training for 20 days. “I will always and always have the heart to support the athletes and I made the said support tangible when I proposed for the approval of the said request to augment the allotment. The said budget will be used to defray all expenses relative to DAVRAA 2019,” he added.
The councilor manifested his full dedication, as he never failed to visit the delegation and wished all the athletes, coaches, TWG good luck and show excellence in all their undertakings.
He even stirred the excitement of every Panaboan to look forward to the 2019 construction of the sports complex and oval. The Chair of the Education Committee wished all the DAVRAA 2019 delegates well in their upcoming feat.
(Jeanne Bajao, Banana Magnates)

Categorized in #davra2019 , Education , Featured , Kabataan

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