
The City Government of Panabo is in search of employees deemed deserving to be recognized as
Excellence Awardee for outstanding performance and achievements in public service, and;

Exemplary Behavior Awardee for an extraordinary act or service and consistent demonstration of exemplary behaviour showing any one or more of the eight norms of behaviour provided under Republic Act No. 6713, otherwise known as the “Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees”.

Details are as follows:

This award is open to all career and non-career employees who have rendered at least two (2) years government service in the City Government of Panabo.
I. Categories of Award
• Assistant Department Head
• Section Head
• Technical-Fiscal
• Technical-Administrative
• Technical-Operations
• General Administrative
• Crafts, Skills and Trade
II. Criteria of Award
For the following categories:
Assistant Department Head Category, and
Section Head Category
• Leadership
• Organizational
• Punctuality and Attendance
• Awards and Recognition
For the following categories:
General Administrative, and
Crafts, Skills and Trade
• Work Performance
• Punctuality and Attendance
• Involvement in volunteerism activities
• Awards and Recognition
III. Documentary Requirements
1. Nomination Form (available at City Human Resource Management Office and City Administrator’s Office)
Note that the Nominee will be required to submit the following documentary requirements:
a. IPCR Form;
b. Certificate of No Pending/Decided Case from the City Government of Panabo; and
c. Other Certificates and awards/recognition received.
IV. Awards
The Best Employee will receive a PhP 5,000.00 Cash Award and LGU Plaque of Recognition.

This award covers all elective officials, and appointive officials and employees holding permanent, coterminous, contractual and casual status of employment in the City Government of Panabo.
I. Criteria of Award
a. Quality and Consistency of Behavioral Performance;
b. Impact of Behavioral Performance;
c. Risk or Temptation Inherent in the Work;
d. Obscurity of the Position; and
e. Other similar circumstances or consideration in favor of the nominee, as may be determined by the members of the Committee.
II. Documentary Requirements
1. Nomination Form (available at City Human Resource Management Office and City Administrator’s Office)
2. Write-up of Accomplishments
a. The write-up must highlight outstanding accomplishment or exemplary norms of conduct manifested within the last three years. Presentation of accomplishments or norms manifested should be in order of significance, complete with descriptions, justifications and should adhere to the following pointers:
• Use specific terms. Define/clarify terms such as “assisted”, “contributed” or “facilitated”;
• State outstanding accomplishments of exemplary norms displayed and impact in brief, factual and in bullet form;
• Present impact of accomplishments by indicating problems addressed, savings generated, people/office benefited and/or transactions facilitated; and
• The nomination write-up of heads of offices should present individual accomplishment or behavioral norms, not the accomplishment of the entire agency or local government unit.
b. The following information must be adequately provided:
• Present the exemplary norms of conduct manifested/displayed and provided justifications why the norm/s displayed are considered exemplary.
c. The nomination write-up should only be maximum of 10 pages (A4 size bond paper, Arial #12 font) to include the summary of accomplishments, impact and other information.
III. Award
The Exemplary Behavior Awardee will receive a PhP 30,000.00 Cash Award and LGU Plaque of Recognition. The awardee will also be automatically nominated by the Committee to the Civil Service Commission Honor and Awards Program for Dangal ng Bayan Award.

Send your nomination now!

Just click the link below for the nomination forms:

Execellence Award – Best Employee Official Nomination Form

Exemplary Behavoir Award Official Nomination Form

Drop boxes are located at the City Administrator’s Office and City Human Resource Management Office, City Government of Panabo, Government Center, J.P. Laurel, Panabo City or you may email it at

This is for Performance CY 2020; submit your nomination on or before June 11, 2021.

Categorized in Advisory , Featured

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