
Panabo City’s celebration of the National Crime Prevention Week 2018 kicks off with a motorcade initiated by the City Anti-Drug Abuse Council, Department of Interior and Local Government, Philippine National Police, Bureau of Fire Protection, and the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology. Various events and activities shall be conducted during the week namely:
September 4 – Crime Prevention Awareness Advocacy Seminar by the PNP and Anti-Drug Advocacy by the CADAC on selected barangays and schools.
September 5 (8:00AM – 12:00NN) – Orientation on Basic Arrest, Warrantless Arrest, Reglementary Period of Offense, and first responder for Barangay Chief Tanods at the Aboitiz Building, City Hall Grounds.
September 5 (1:00PM – 4:00PM) – Seminar Workshop on Enhanced Judicial Affidavit Making at the Aboitiz Building, City Hall Grounds.
September 6 – Youth Bowling Tournament at the Ultra Bowl by the Local Youth Development Office
September 6 and 7 – Seminar Workshop on Preservation of Evidence First Responders by the Philippine National Police – Scene of the Crime Operatives.

Categorized in Crime Prevention , Featured

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