
SDS spearheads Orientation of DAVRAA 2019 Athletes
Panabo City School Division Superintendent, Dee D. Silva, DPA, CESO V, Panabo Schools Division Superintendent led the over-all orientation to athletes, coaches, and delegation officials on the first day of the 20-day in house training last January 7, 2019 at Panabo National High School Gym.
Dr. Silva called the attention of the coaches most especially for those handling sports events with weight requirements and trainers. She emphasized that coaches must take care of their trainers and they have to work harmoniously to accomplish tasks necessary for the upcoming DAVRAA Meet.
She also urged coaches and trainers to organize the game plan and strategies of their respective events since trainers will not be allowed to enter the playing venue during the actual game.
Apolinario D. Macabulos, EPS I-Sports Coordinator of Panabo City Division, welcomed the athletes and coaches with the delegation officials.
Training Director and host of the Orientation, Celestino Revamonte Jr., put emphasis on the framework and the matrix of the 20-day training. The heads of the different committees briefed their members about terms of reference on the significance of cohesive efforts for the success of this training.
(Jonard Leona, Banana Magnates Photo by Jeiter Arguelles)

Categorized in #davra2019 , Education , Featured , Kabataan

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