
The PNP Panabo was in hot pursuit of two unidentified men onboard a Raider J 115 Suzuki color red motorcycle after perpetrating a robbery at the National Highway fronting Jollibee around 2:30 am today, August 31. The men are said to be armed. The PNP Panabo engaged with the robbers while they are attempting to rob another victim at the Panabo Public Market .

One of the suspects fired at an officer while on the chase. Mobile Team No. 3 of the police were able to neutralize one of the suspects and recover from his possession one (1) improvised firearm (sumpak) loaded with one (1) cal.45 and the other suspect believed to be armed with a .38 cal revolver was able to evade arrest and is still at large. The suspect hit was declared dead by the attending physician at Somozo Hospital after being brought by personnel from the Panabo Emergency and Rescue Services (PEARS).
The suspect’s cadaver lies at St. Teresa Funeral Homes for post mortem examination.

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