
1. An entry must be composed of minimum of twenty-five (25) and maximum of One Hundred (100) performers, inclusive of dancers, majorettes, musicians, instrumentalists and props men.
2. All performers must be currently enrolled to the school wherein each participating group/schoolmust provide an endorsement letter duly signed by the School’s Administrator or Principal.
3. This is an open competition which means entries from outside Panabo are encouraged to participate.
4. All competing entries outside Panabo must address an application letter or letter request to participate regarding the said event. You may send it by visiting the Mayor’s Office Panabo or through email at
Note: Once we received the application letter/letter request through email, we will immediately send you the Application forms to fill out.
5. For competing entries inside Panabo City, you must visit the City Mayor’s office in order to get the application forms.
6. Deadline of Submission of entries and requirements will be on or before February 7, 2020 at 5pm. The first ten (10) qualified entries only will be allowed to join the competition. Thus, sending the entry is on first come, first serve basis.
7. The official entries shall be provided by the organizers with a schedule of activities.
8. A panel of judges shall determine the winners based on the foregoing criteria. Any violation of the foregoing rules may cause 3 points deduction per violation on the final score. The decision of the panel shall be final and irrevocable.
9. Each participating group will be given opportunity to block their routine on stage before the day of the competition following the schedule that will be given by the event organizers. Those who are absent/late for their designated blocking time will not be allowed to block on stage at a later time.
10. Performance order will be determined by the management via drawing of lots.
1. The presentation must be within ten (10) to fifteen (15) minutes only, excluding entrance and exit which must be within sixty (60) seconds. A green flag will be raised to indicate start of routine, yellow flag after 10 minutes, and red flag after 15 minutes.
2. The presentation must consist a competition of choreography, formations, musicality and execution. Also, the whole routine must include ALL performers: dancers and instrumentalists in varying and mixed formations. Props men, who must be in costumes or coordinated attires, may only be part of the routine whenever necessary.
3. Choreography must:
• not include stunts that might endanger any of the participants or members of the audience;
• not include raising, lifting, or tossing of persons by another person, unless the person is standing on stationary ledges or platforms. If ledges or platforms are moving, a support must be provided for persons standing or performing on top of them;
• remain wholesome/appropriate at all times.
4. Only live music is allowed. Drum & Lyre ensemble must be part of and integrated in the performance routing and therefore must be performing within the performance area. It may be any musical genre and any combination of pieces, but must be wholesome, and not those with suggestive and inappropriate styles.
5. Costumes may vary on participants’ desire as long as it is appropriate, decent and not vulgar. All costume malfunction resulting team members being exposed are grounds for deductions. Please make sure to have dress rehearsals prior to competition to work out any costume problems.
6. Each participating group will be given opportunity to block their routine on the area before the day of the competition following the schedule that will be given by the event organizers. Those who are absent/late for their designated blocking time will not be allowed to block on stage at a later time.
Medical Attention
1. It is the responsibility of the group members, manager, or choreographer to report a group member’s injury or illness to the management.
2. If at any time, prior to or during competition, a group member becomes ill or injured, or his/her physical or emotional condition is at risk by participating, he/she may be declared ineligible to compete, and may be disqualified from the competition. The management reserves the right to withdraw any competitor who appears to have such serious disability or injury or needs medical attention.
3. The management serves the right to request the submission of a physician’s written authorization for a group member that is deemed medically or emotionally at risk by the event organizers, to compete.
(Dance Movements and Formation) 25%
(Synchronicity, Mastery & Showmanship) 20%
(Musicality, Tonal Quality, Precision & Timing) 30%
Relevant and Effective Use of Costume and Props 15%
Overall Creativity and Impact 10%
TOTAL 100%
Champion – 20,000.00
1st Runner up – 15,000.00
2nd Runner up – 10,000.00
Consolation – 5,000.00
Champion – 20,000.00
1st Runner up – 15,000.00
2nd Runner up – 10,000.00
Consolation – 5,000.00

Categorized in #ArawNgPanaboCity2k20 , Featured

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