Disyembre 12, 2022 – Gipahigayon ang Parent Leaders Day Celebration 2022 sa siyudad sa Panabo diin adunay 186 ka mga parent leaders ang mitambong aron nga madungagan ang ilang kaalam apil na nga malingaw sa mga aktibidades nga gi-andam sa Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) kauban ang Lokal…

City Vice-Mayor Hon. Janrey G. Gavina, presided the first inaugural session of the 8th City Council of Panabo on July 8, 2019. In the session, privilege speeches were delivered by the members of the said council: Hon. Emmanuel G. Pamisaran, Hon. Gregorio U. Dujali, Hon. Devona H. Jumamil, Hon. Janno…

EAD | Panabo City Water District inks PPP deal with Prime Water Panabo City Water District (PCWD) has sealed a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) with PrimeWater Infrastructure Corporation to improve the water quality in the city. Through their Joint Venture Agreement (JVA) signed on March 14, Prime Water will provide for…

READ | Panabo City Water District inks PPP deal with Prime Water Panabo City Water District (PCWD) has sealed a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) with PrimeWater Infrastructure Corporation to improve the water quality in the city. Through their Joint Venture Agreement (JVA) signed on March 14, Prime Water will provide for…

The following are several laws of Panabo City approved by City Mayor James Gamao in 2018. These were enacted by the 7th City Council headed by Vice Mayor Janrey “Biboy” Gavina and are to be implemented; all for public service. ShareTweetShare