
1. Residency. Nominee must be a resident of or must have resided in Panabo City for at least an aggregate or consecutive 6 months.
Means of verification can be in the form of certifications (Barangay, Voters, etc.) that shows proof of residency.

2. Professional Excellence. Nominee must be recognized by his/her peers, professional partners and related organizations as having consistently exhibited excellence in the performance of his/her position in his/her field of endeavor. He/she must be distinguished in said field, exceptional accomplishments backed by solid achievements and outstanding work that contributed to the said field of knowledge.

Means of verification can be citations and/or commendations received by the nominee acknowledging such excellence in his/her field of endeavor.

3. Impact of Achievement. Nominee must have a record of voluntary community involvement for at least three (3) years noted to be an influencer in contributing to social development services in Panabo City benefitting the marginally poor households and communities either through his professional capacities or personal means.

Means of verification can be certifications, testimonies or any other documents from partners and recipients that clearly outlines his/her role and the impact of the outreach or service to the Panabo community.

4. Leadership / Pioneering Zeal. Nominee must display forward-looking, pioneering ideas, enterprise, enthusiasm and prolonged professional stature and abilities. He/she must manifest ardent interest and accomplishments in his/her field of endeavor that is out of the usual and common and preferably possesses a pioneering spirit and has achieved success despite the challenges that comes with new and unique endeavors.

Means of verification can be certifications, testimonies or any other documents from peers and partners that defines the unusualness or newness of the achievement and his/her role.

5. Good Character / Integrity. Nominee must possess a well-balanced personality as evidenced by certain manifestations in his moral principles and core values that is worthy of emulation.
Means of verification can be testimonies from his/her peers in his/her profession, personal and other community involvements or other character evidences known of the nominee through public records or the result of a character background check by the Screening Committee if needed.

Point System: A nominee with an average rating of at least 90% by the Screening Committee is automatically qualified as a Category I awardee.

For purposes of calculating the scores, the average rating shall not be rounded off and shall be reflected with up to 2 decimal points only. One calculator shall be used by the Screening Secretariat in computing the scores of all the nominees.

1. Residency. Nominee must be a resident of or must have resided in Panabo City for at least an aggregate or consecutive 6 months.
Means of verification can be in the form of certifications (Barangay, Voters, etc.) that shows proof of residency.

2. For academic / scholastic awards, only international competitions or contests for or participated by students representing DepEd / CHED-recognized and TESDA- accredited institutions are considered for this category. Students awarded the Top 3 Awards or Ranks of the said competition or contest may qualify. Teachers coaching said students may also qualify if also a recipient of any Top 3 Awards given in his/her specific role as coach.

3. For sports-related awards, athletes who won the Top 3 or Ranks in international competitions for individuals or groups / teams competing on a personal capacity, affiliated to a local team or endorsed as an official delegation of Panabo may qualify for this category. Athletes who won first place or championed on a national competition may be considered if there is no other nominee who is an international awardee in the same field of sports.

4. Board / Bar topnotchers, PMA / PNPA top graduates and the likes nominated in this category shall be endorsed and recommended to receive a Citation or Recognition for his/her achievement by the City Government during a fitting ceremony scheduled for this purpose.

5. Only public officials and employees appointed by the City Government or other local government units or national agencies who are awardees of the Honors Award Program (HAP) of the Civil Service Commission may be considered for this category. City Government officials and employees nominated in this category for having received national awards in line with his/her position in the government shall be endorsed to the PRAISE committee for endorsement / nomination to the HAP.

General Rule:
1. Awardees of Outstanding Panaboan Award and other special awards, given by this award-giving body, shall no longer be eligible for nomination, for a period of three (3) years. In no case however, shall recipients of Outstanding Panaboan Award be eligible for the same award. Provided further, recipients of special awards other than the Outstanding Panaboan Award may be eligible for nomination for their achievement/s and/or accomplishment/s which must be different and distinct from which their previous award has been based;

2. Awards received under Category 2 shall cover all the awards received from the previous year immediately preceding the date of the awarding;

3. Medals, plaques and certifications provided as a means of verification for this category must be in the name of the nominee;

4. For purposes of calculating the scores, the average rating shall not be rounded off and shall be reflected with up to 2 decimal points only. One (1) calculator shall be used by the Screening Secretariat in computing the scores of all the nominees.
Deadline of submissions is on March 3, 2023. For more inquiries and other concerns, feel free to contact us at #09389605503 #822-7320, or email us at,/ fb page: City Government of Panabo.

You may fill up the google form link:

🎨: Quinn Villahermosa, CIO – Multimedia

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